Vezodiac: gambling in New Zealand and help with addiction
Gambling addiction is a mental disorder associated with gambling addictions. The term is used in psychiatry. It refers to pathological desires for gambling. With the spread of internet casinos, this addiction has become widespread. The availability of gambling entertainment contributes to the development of pathology in many people in New Zealand.
Prevention is an important factor in combating the disease. Restrictions help reduce the risk of gambling addiction and do not lead to treatment. It is advisable to access virtual New Zealand online casinos for money reduce stressful situations to a minimum. Active lifestyle, sports, hobbies will help get rid of the morbid addiction. If there is a gambling addiction, comprehensive treatment by a specialist doctor is necessary.
What is gambling addiction and how to recognize it
Gambling addiction-electronic or real casinos, roulette and slots-is difficult to control. Gamblers do not see themselves as addicted to games. Many think that they can stop in time. But they still have to increase the stakes to sharpen their senses. Addicts lie to family and doctors and try to cheat to get money for gambling. In the acute stages, some become capable of crime.
Despite this, many people play Real Money web casinos with pleasure and in moderation. These people have no mental health problems and do not cause material problems for their families. A test can help you suspect gambling addiction. You may have noticed these signs of gambling addiction in yourself or in someone close to you:
- A person spends a lot of time playing games;
- did he lose interest in his profession and family;
- all thoughts are reduced to the game;
- the ability to resist temptations has disappeared;
- anxiety and irritability.
To find out if you are addicted or not, try answering the 5 questions:
- How often do you mentally return to the game: do you think about past losses, new strategies, the size of the bets?
- Does increasing the stake give you a sense of excitement?
- Can you reduce the time you spend in the casino?
- Do you borrow money to avenge past failures?
- Have your relationships in the family and at work deteriorated?
The reality is that few people have a problem with excessive gambling. Statistically, these people make up about 3% of the population. And only 1% are prone to pathological gambling addiction.
Rules of zodiac wordplay in New Zealand
Every normal casino tries to provide players with a good gaming environment. One of the most effective ways to combat gambling addiction is vezodiacal gambling. The concept includes a set of rules that both the players and the casinos follow. By working together, addiction can be prevented. Gambling addiction is recognized as a pathology in many countries. It is fought at the level of the state, society and gambling institutions. The casinos in New Zealand follow the principles of vezodiacal gambling. This is done by making the customers aware of the risks. if gambling addiction is suspected, access to the casino is restricted. Gambling by minors is strictly prohibited.
What the rules of zodiac play imply:
- Only adults have access to the gambling halls. In some countries, 18-year-olds are allowed to visit casinos, while in others, 21-year-olds are.
- Playing for money (either NZD or RUB) should be seen as entertainment, not as a way to make money.
- A player must be aware of the possibility of losing and be mentally prepared to lose money.
- Physical pain or mental distress cannot be compensated by gambling.
- The casino should not be the only source of fun in life. Mental health means that one can spend one's free time in different ways.
- The Gambler himself determines how much he can spend on bets, and always strictly adheres to the established limit.
- It is also decided on the time spent on gambling: it must be controlled.
- It is not recommended to visit a casino while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Gambling during Depression is also contraindicated.
- A player should be aware that an attempt to win back can lead to greater losses.
All honest and reliable casinos publish these recommendations in a special section of the site.
The stages of gambling addiction
The development of addiction can be divided into several stages. At first, a person wins a certain amount of money. The feeling of euphoria from the first victory inspires confidence that it is possible to get even more, and the player increases his bet. But a successful period is followed by a loss, and then the next stage begins - despair. This stage of addiction is characterized by a loss of control over the situation. Then comes the emotional burnout, or despondency. During this period, the addict has a feeling of hopelessness and does not believe that help is possible.
It is worth ringing the bell at an early stage, but it is best to prevent the addiction from developing. Even in a good and safe casino without cheating, you need to be careful: you should not perceive the game in dollars and rubles as a way to generate income. You need to perceive it only as a pleasant pastime.
In 2021, many casinos give welcome bonuses, do not take money for registration, allow you to start the game with a minimum deposit. So they try to attract customers and get to the top. For the players it is an opportunity to try their luck without too much risk, but do not give in to the euphoria: be able to stop in time.
- What is cheating.
- The rules of zodiac word game in New Zealand.
- The stages of gambling addiction.
- The consequences of addiction.
- Centers to help people with gambling addiction.

Tips to help you:
If you notice symptoms of gambling addiction, you can try to cope with it yourself. Experts give advice on how to get rid of your gambling addiction:
- To keep yourself in hand in moments of weakness, keep detailed records: when and how much time you spent in the casino.
- Admit that you have a gambling addiction.
- Talk about it with a loved one. Talking about the problem leads to an understanding of the solution.
- Make sure you can call a friend, family member, or expert when you lose control.
- Try to avoid provocative moments. Less information about gambling is more likely to prevent bad luck.
Don't be afraid to ask friends and family for help. It is wise to consult a psychologist. The first step to getting rid of an addiction is to admit the problem. At an early stage, there is a good chance to avoid serious therapy.
The consequences of addiction
Like any disease, addiction requires treatment. If left untreated, it can ruin lives. This is what can happen as a result of a neglected gambling addiction:
- A person ruins his career. He loses his job due to unstable behavior, absenteeism, failure to meet deadlines for projects.
- The addict loses all his savings, and when the financial gap widens, he gets into debt. Often the addict loses everything: housing, earning capacity, possessions.
- Families collapse and all social ties are broken. The addict spoils relationships with others, extorts money for gambling, does not repay debts.
- Despair leads many to commit crimes: theft, robbery.
The worst and most irreparable is suicide. Up to 40% of addicts try to end their lives. Often it ends tragically.
Early diagnosis of the problem means that you can get out of the situation with as little loss as possible. If you or a loved one shows signs of addiction, contact an addiction specialist as soon as possible.
Centers for assistance to people with gambling addiction in New Zealand
The main objectives of treatment are to free the person from his addiction, restore his relationship with the world, teach him to cope with difficulties and misfortunes, and enjoy life. The Gambler cannot do this on his own. They need help from experienced psychologists, psychotherapists, support from family and friends. The main thing is that the addict himself must make the decision to start therapy. It is important that The Gambler himself wants to get rid of his pathological desires. This is the main key to success and lasting remission. The Casino Nancys team has compiled a list of reliable gambling addiction treatment centers in New Zealand:
- For Addiction Treatment https://www.terwille/ [email protected] +31 50 311 6226.
- Tactus https://www.tactus/ [email protected] +31 88 382 2887.
- Trubendorffer https://www.trubendorffer/ [email protected] +31 800 9999998.
- Sggz Connection Foundation https://www.connection-sggz/ [email protected] +31 040 3035023.
- SolutionS https://solutions-center/verslavingen/ [email protected] +31 33 204 85 50.
If you have questions about gambling addiction, want to talk to someone about it, or need advice, you can get help by calling the helpline on this list:
- Stichting Anonyme Gokkers Omgeving Gokkers (AGOG) is a national self-help organisation. Phone: 0900-217 77 21 ($0.10 per minute, 24 hours a day).
- HANDS-on help and advice for players experiencing difficulties. Communication is anonymous via chat www.hands24x7, e-mail [email protected] and phone 0800-3701503 (free).
- Mind correlation - individual anonymous help and advice. Tel: 0900-1450 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00, 15 cents per minute).
- "Center for zodiac gambling" - information on gambling and guidelines for safe gambling. Phone: 06-41622869.
At the heart of addiction is a powerful psychological and biochemical dependence. It is treated with a combination of psychotherapeutic practices and medication.
Where should I go if I have a gambling problem? ⭐️
At the first suspicion of a gambling addiction, you should immediately contact a Gambling Help Center. ✅️ You can also use the anonymous helpline or discuss your problem with a specialist in a chat room. ⚡️
How does gambling addiction manifest itself? ⭐️
There are several signs that a gambling addiction develops:
- Mentally reliving incidents of gambling in the past;
- An unquenchable desire to play again;
- Unhealthy excitement and anxiety, forcing you to constantly increase the stakes;
- An inability to tear yourself away from the gambling process.
Why can gambling be dangerous? ⭐️
If a gambler loses control of the situation, a gambling addiction can ruin a person's whole life: family relationships, career; it "eats away" savings and drives them into debt. ✔️
Reviews of real players
Nikolai Fomin reply
Newcomers get a game with a bonus or free spins. It's inspiring and it feels like you can win even more. It's good that I know about vezodiacal games. For me, the casino is a way to relax, not to make money.
Vyacheslav Galush reply
Many licensed casinos give a no deposit bonus just to get more players. I checked, there is an official warning on the site about the dangers of gambling addiction. I don't think the casino should let you play without reading it.
Victor Sopronov reply
It is better not to play without verification, without a passport. Everything should be according to the rules: that's safer. I know how much I can spend on entertainment, and I'm not going to sit in the casino all day.